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An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence.

Spiritual Health Matters: Honoring the Role that Faith and Spirituality Can Play in the Holistic Healing of Survivors

Event Date
Thursday, June 06, 2024, 02:00PM

Research proves that healthy spirituality can have profound impacts on the holistic health and wellbeing of individuals. In this webinar, Dr. Ghia Kelly will explore spiritual health as a protective factor and the ways faith and spirituality can help survivors connect with themselves, strengthen their support systems, and restore their hope. Talking about faith, religion, and spirituality can be uncomfortable for some people, so advocates will learn strategies for promoting spiritual health and spiritual self-care with survivors in a voluntary, non-judgmental, and inclusive way. The speaker will also discuss the importance of spiritual health for advocates and ways they can support their own spiritual self-care. 

Event Contact Information

Event Contact Name
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Event Contact Email